Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Eve

I know I am a little late on these next few posts I have been starting the new year off a little under the weather but here we go:

So this year we decided to have Christmas Eve at my sisters house......we also decided to have all the kids open their gifts from the aunts, uncles and grandparents so they were not so overwhelmed Christmas Day. It worked out perfect cause the kids were able to play with a few new toys before they had another huge load to open the next I really didn't want the trash at my house the next day since everyone was coming over so it worked out for everyone hahaha.

Just some of the gifts to open Christmas Eve...

Gavin is ready to dig in....

Everyone helping Gavin....

Britney soooo happy...

Belly loves her clothes....

Ant trying to show that gifts are cool.....

Car and that smile.....

My buggy loves his backpack....

Loves his new tool set from Auntie....

Getting ready to set out the cookies and beer for Santa....

So I am starting a new tradition....I decided to wrap Britney up in her room so she couldn't sneak out and see what Santa has I wrapped her in her room and I taped it everywhere so she couldn't crawl under and it was tall enough she couldn't go over hahaha....I did make sure she had water and luckily she has a bathroom connected so she couldn't use that excuse.  It was so much fun she loved it and she loved busting out in the morning when mom told her she would come out.  Gonna do this again next year for sure hahaha.

~Merry Christmas Eve~

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