Friday, November 30, 2012

Breast Cancer Walk

This year I headed up a team for the Susan G Koman Breast Cancer Walk in San Diego.  I of course as you all know started this up for my beautiful sister in law Anjanette.  Adam and I wanted to do anything we could for her and this was one little way we could show her she was not alone and that she had the entire family and all of our friends behind her.  We even got team shirts made with the beautiful logo Anj made and started the Team PWN CANCER!!

We registered for the walk pretty early and picked the farthest date possible cause we were not sure what stage Anj would be on her journey.  Luckily she had her double mastectomy about 3 weeks before and was able to make the walk.  So on November 3rd Jay, Anj, Mom, Gpa, Adam, Gavin and I headed down to a hotel we got for the night before to check in get a good dinner and be close to where the walk was actually gonna begin.  With well over 15,000 people registered we knew it was gonna be extremely crazy to find a spot early that morning since Anj had to be there around 6:30.  Yes we did have 7 people in one room.......we had the best night ever.  With Jay and Adam you know there was no sleeping with all the jokes and laughing going on the whole night.  No really I think we got like 3 hours of sleep...but I think we all would do it again in a heartbeat haha.

So we all go up and ready the next morning and headed to the site of the race.  Jay and Anj took a cab since she had a wheelchair and wasn't supposed to walk much and the rest of us walked the mile to the site.  Jay ended up getting there at the same time cause they were dropped off where the other 15,000 people were.  Luckily we got there cause these people were on a schedule and were moving it right along.  It was great cause we got their just in time for Anj to be in the survivors parade and happened to be the one of two in her group.....Here she is holding the Newest Survivor sign.  Yep I was tearing up already.

Since I was playing photog that day I followed them as much as I could and snapped a few as they took her to the stage where the opening ceremonies where and where they were all honored.  It was such an amazing and moving experience I seriously had a problem keeping a dry eye. Here are a few photos of the ceremony and the walk......
Opening Ceremonies

Here we go starting the walk

What is ahead of us

Walking on the freeway

Gavin showing support with his pink hair

We had the best time during this be around all these beautiful people who either have breast cancer, is a survivor, supporting family or even walking in honor of those who have lost the battle was the most amazing experience.  We all did it and crossed that line with Anj together.  To see her walk that finish line with that smile on her face just made her battle with Cancer that much more.  She has been through more than I can ever imagine, but she had to be one of the strongest people I have ever met.  Here are two of my favorite pictures that a photographer captured of us after the race.
What A them

Here is only a part of our group missing 8 others who walked with us that day & 6 who couldn't make it due to illness!!
So I can't wait till next year and help raise more money for research.  But the most important thing is walking beside my sister and supporting her as a Breast Cancer Survivor.....Team Frankenboobie 2013~~~~~~

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