So I know I am super behind on my blogging I blinked and it was already July....seriously time is going by way way way too fast. The month of June for us was slammed from graduations, birthdays, end of the year school parties, father's day and everything else in between I hope I didn't forget something.
So we started off the Month of June celebrating Isabella's 8th grade graduation. I seriously can not believe my baby girl will be starting high school this year. I can still remember when she was in diapers cutting her own bangs with scissors. But I do have to say she is turning into a beautiful, smart and amazing young lady. I am so proud of her.
If Isabella's 8th grade graduation wasn't big enough we then celebrated Anthony's 16th birthday....YES I DID SAY 16!!!!! So crazy and to top that off he is now officially driving the streets. He passed his drivers test hahaha. Yep staying off the road lol. Anthony is also turning out to be an amazing young man. I can not believe how fast they are growing up.
More birthday celebrations were in the mix for the month of June....we celebrated my best friend Mandi's 29th birthday for the 3rd year hahaha. Happy birthday my love can not wait to meet my little nephew Weston soon!!
So all of these celebrations we had to celebrate the kiddos for ending the school year off with great grades......and also pre birthday celebrations for Gavin haha. So Erin promised the girls if they had a great report card they could go to build a bear and of course the girls did an amazing job this year. This was Gavin's 1st time at build a bear and he had a blast.
So as you can see the celebrations for June kept going strong my baby boy turned 3 this year. I can not believe how fast he is growing and to know that he will be starting preschool this year makes me want to cry even more. Gavin had a great birthday this year I will be doing a separate blog for that was at least a two week celebration haha.
Father's Day was also this month and let me tell you these two boys have such an amazing bond between the two of them. The love they share is wonderful. They are for sure two peas in a pod. Happy Father's Day to the best husband and father a girl could ever ask for. We love you so much!!

To end off our month of June we unfortunately got some news about one of my old volleyball coaches. We got the news that Chandler has terminal cancer that has spread throughout his body. When I got that news I was in shock and devastated. This is the most amazing teacher and coach anyone could have had the honor playing for. He taught us so much and always put us first before him and his family. At this point all we can do is hope, pray and send our love that he can hang on for as long as he can. With all the love and fight in his corner he will not be alone. So we planned a BBQ at our family friends house and invited all of the girls the he had coached over the years. We had an amazing turn out I would have to say well over 60 people came in and out that day. I was so happy to see all the love and support that Chandler had that day. It was great to see a smile on his face.